Saturday, March 30, 2013

Interesting spring in my garden

 2013 03 30
This is how my garden looks like today, a day before Easter. It is more like Chirstmas, but doesn't mind. I will still think of how I must to decorate my Christmas tree.

2013 03 26
And this is how my garden looks like few days back. Snow meltet and I saw first irises behind the snow cover. Also few of them show new increase and new green leaves. Now all that is under big snow cover. Good is that, snow is melting. Temperature is not freezing so that is good. Maybe this is the end and soon my garden turns from white to green. So can't wait for new blooms of irises which I got last year. They must to be amazing, but doesn't know how they show they beauty in there, Lithuania.
Well, I hope they will be fine and bloom the same as in USA or in Netherland.
Edvinas Misiukevičius

Spring morning with new Journal

What could be better than warm spring morning, with hot cactus tea, ginger biscuits and new Daylily Journal from AHS. So much great things in it. I love to be a member of AHS. Just read, search for photos of daylilies which I grow, or got seeds from others, which cross have that parent, which I found in journal. Can't wait for that day, when weather goes warmer and I can go out to work in my garden. This spring will be the most interesting of all year. I will sow very much seeds of daylilies, which I got from my mentors. Those people, who help me is a real treasure and I feel really like under their wings. What other feel can be there. I am just a beginner in this work, and hope they will be with me all the time, when I need any help. And for now. I start my blog, where I share all my things, photos from garden and advices which I use and they work well.
Edvinas Misiukevičius