Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Circle project

 Continuing project theme I want to present circle project from where I have done last time.
 There used to be daylily circle from the beginning as we moved here. Sadly soil was too poor for them and I changed it to iris circle. Add some better soil for irises and form beds around lawn circle. It was great till I reach point of daylily seedlings. I simply have no space for them. So decided to change iris circle project to simply CIRCLE PROJECT. Now here grow both daylilies and irises.
 We dig all lawn, rake all roots and tilled top soil. That help to mix soil and slice all roots that we have left after digging.
 I still wanted some grass in this area of garden. So will make circle edge with grass and all the rest - beds. So here you can see new top soil circle for grass and tilled inside of circle get ready for beds. We organized circle in perfect shape. As I have drawn it a little bit like egg before. So fixed it and started forming beds.
 And there was great fun of preparation work before. As all circle was with small hillocks and after tilling they are still visible, we decided to make all beds in one level. We put height of desired beds and make same for all with knots. Lots of them for the perfection.
 With all beds it looks like reflecting water feature.
And the funniest part - paths. Round ones was easy. But those crossing ones was serious time to think. In center only one cross all inside circle with all beds. And other one cross all except center bed. It is easy to walk around and check beds. And lots of space for daylily seedlings and might other plants to fill gaps. At least for the very first year.
So I can cross out one of the biggest project of this year. Now only planting left. Which is easy for me. Lawn will be sown any time after some rain comes. Still thinking what to do with center bed in this circle. Leave it all for daylilies or maybe add some feature and give more official look. However I am not so much with official style garden. I like function and lovely look. Time will show what I will do with it. And I promise to post lots of photos from this part of garden.
